10 Sewing Essentials Every Sewist Needs

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10 Sewing Essentials Every Sewist Needs

Are you a sewist looking to up your game? Or maybe you're just starting out and need some guidance on where to begin? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 sewing essentials every sewist needs in their arsenal. From measuring tapes to sewing machines, we've got you covered. So grab some fabric and let's get stitching!

1. iBayam Soft Ruler Measuring Tape: Measurement just got a lot more fun with this colorful and reliable measuring tape. With a rating of 9 out of 10, this tape is perfect for any sewist looking to upgrade their measuring game.

2. Portable Sewing Machine: The Mini Sewing Machine You Need to Get Stitchin'! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewist, this portable sewing machine is perfect for on-the-go projects. With an upgraded design and added features, it's definitely worth the investment.

3. Sewing Scissors: A good pair of sewing scissors is essential for any sewist. Look for scissors with sharp blades and comfortable handles. We recommend the Sew and Sew brand for a reliable and affordable option.

4. Pins and Needles: Basting stitches, zigzag stitches, blind hem stitches - you'll need a variety of needles for your sewing projects. And don't forget the pins! Keep your fabric in place with straight pins or safety pins.

5. Thread: When it comes to thread, quality is key. Look for thread that won't break easily and is compatible with your fabric. We recommend the brand Gutermann for a reliable option.

6. Seam Ripper: Let's face it, mistakes happen. A seam ripper is an essential tool for any sewist. Look for a comfortable handle and sharp blade. We recommend the brand Dritz for a reliable option.

7. Iron and Ironing Board: Pressing your fabric is essential for achieving a polished finish. Invest in a good quality iron and ironing board for best results.

8. Sewing Book: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced sewist, a good sewing book is always helpful. Look for books by sewing experts like Nancy Zieman or Sew Sweetness for tips and tricks.

9. Sewing Machine Needles: Just like hand-sewing needles, you'll need a variety of machine needles for your sewing projects. Look for needles that match your fabric type and weight.

10. Bobbins: Don't forget the bobbins! Invest in a good quality bobbin set for your sewing machine. We recommend the MySewNet brand for a reliable option.

So there you have it, folks - the top 10 sewing essentials every sewist needs! Stock up on these items and you'll be ready to tackle any sewing project that comes your way. Happy stitching!

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